21 Unintentionally Hysterical Screenshots Of Boomers Doing Their Absolute Best Online

    Oh no, nana's talking about her bowel movements on Facebook again.

    1. This person who hopefully just made a typo:

    flower around a mailbox with caption reading, my chlamydia is in full bloom

    2. This person who was an open book on Facebook:

    my diarrhea got worse today

    3. This person who's had enough:

    whoever is sending me big fat butt pics please stop

    4. This person who doesn't seem to realize their posts are public:

    so you think i am cute but i thought i was a hunk or handsome but i am a married man

    5. This person who used a sponsored Samsung post to send their friend a little note:

    someone leaving a comment under a samsung post

    6. This bagel lover:

    the bakey does bagels take full bag of 8 the everything bagel and try one of the jalapeno and cream cheese please

    7. This person who clearly has a bone to pick with Matt:

    hey matt you said 330

    8. This person who made an iconic typo:

    thank you darling hoe all is well lots of love, nan

    9. This person who wished everyone a "crappy" Easter:

    happy easter to you all all with poop emoji graphics

    10. This person who is drinking diet Dr. Pepper and reflecting on life:

    what's everyone doing today? i'm just chillin and stuff watching tv. found out my daughter's adopted mom's dad died today so she's bummed

    11. This earnest question-asker:

    where is this tornado supposed to be? with a graphic of a person shooting a basketball

    12. These unhelpful commenters:

    someone replies great to the question, what is the secret to a happy marriage so the original poster responds, what does that mean? you didn't answer the question

    13. This person who used someone's Wordle status to give info on their missing cat:

    someone responding to a wordle with a photo of their missing cat

    14. This person who shared ALL their business on Facebook:

    just got diagnosed today with prolapsed rectum due to constant constipation that i have complained about for years

    15. This person who knows their own limitations:

    i can't do anything on a computer either, when people want me to put something on the wall or on the refrigerator i can't do that

    16. This person who really hates solar panels:

    i will never get solar panels i have other things more important to me

    17. This person who got hacked:

    i've been hacked with a graphic of a person smelling a flower

    18. This person who left a three-star review for a place they never even visited:

    three stars for saying i dunno i wasn't here i was next door getting tested for covid

    19. This intense nana:

    grandma telling her granddaughter to change her joke divorce status back to single so that it doesn't hurt her testimony for christ

    20. This person who seems to be experiencing a cramp:

    cramp? with a graphic of a person smelling a flower

    21. Finally, this person who is asking the real questions:

    where is the best for chicken burger she is nearly 9

    H/T: r/oldpeoplefacebook