24 Screenshots Of Outrageously Entitled Kids Who Need To Learn Some Manners

    Shame on you. Shame on all of you!!

    1. This kid who should have to pay his parents back:

    a trombone the parents purchased on which the kid scratched, "Band sucks balls"

    2. This kid who got the worst present ever, ugh:

    a lime green sports car and the kid's comment, "I wanted yellow :( parents suck"

    3. This kid who is gonna get a harsh reality check one day:

    a kid complaining that the only got a brand-new phone and no AirPods for their birthday

    4. This demon who despises Disney:

    a kid complaining in their Instagram story that their parents are forcing them to go to Disneyland but won't take them to the mall

    5. This MacBook menace:

    a kid complaining that their dad bought them a rose-gold MacBook instead of a space gray one

    6. This kid who was too arrogant for his AirPods:

    a picture of AirPods with a kid's comment saying, "Omg I hate my mom I wanted airpods pro"

    7. This scammer:

    a scammer sending a paypal account after not sending someone the logo and banner they said they'd make

    8. This kid who didn't understand money or priorities:

    a message that says, "The fuck? My mom can by a $11398 car but can't even buy me a flagship that costs $1600 or even an iPhone"

    9. This kid who tried to dredge up the past:

    kid saying they think it's rude to charge Americans more than in the UK and someone explaining the exchange rate to them

    10. This birthday beggar:

    the comment, "It's my birthday soon so I will not be accepting gifts in the next couple of weeks — $50 minimum or I don't want it"

    11. This ungrateful gamer:

    five TVs with cracked screen that someone's kid broke will playing Fortnite

    12. This sinister son:

    news story with headline: "'Arrogant' Son Pushes BMW Given to Him into River Because He Wanted a Jaguar"

    13. This devastated deviant:

    Comment: "I really got an iphone 11 pro max? when the 12 is out? God I hate my fuckin family so much"

    14. This kid with his own schedule:

    a kid asking his parent to come back in 20 minutes after asking them for a ride

    15. This entitled kid who comes from entitled parents:

    a kid demanding $20 from a bunch of people online

    16. This kid who demanded a new car:

    a fundraiser for a $25,000 car for someone's kid's birthday

    17. This kid who doesn't understand how buying things works:

    A one-star review and the note: "I dont like this game anymore but it wont let me get a refund"

    18. This revenge-seeker:

    a person saying they hate their dad because he won't by them a PS5 and asking for help in making a meme out of a photo of him

    19. This poor, poor child:

    a Reddit Am I the Asshole question: Am I the asshole for demanding money from my parents to buy new clothes?"

    20. This lazy kid looking for a legal way out:

    a Reddit question: Can I sue my parents for making me do chores? It's illegal under the 13th Amendment because it counts as free labor"

    21. This selfish brat:

    a kid saying that their dad who was diagnosed with cancer is wasting his money on a college education and cruise when it could go toward the kid's inheritance

    22. This frantic Facebooker with a demanding daughter:

    a person asking if anyone has a new Chrysler for sale because his daughter turned down a $3,000 car

    23. This stubborn little snot:

    a kid complaining about a pregnant woman that asked him to move so she could sit on a bus and the kid told her "next time fuck someone with a car"

    24. Finally, this disheartened kid who was forced to eat pizza:

    a kid complaining that even though "for once" there's a homecooked meal it's all stuff he doesn't like so he's forced to eat leftover Little Caesars

    Shoutout to r/spoiledkids, r/entitledkids, r/iamatotalpieceofshit, and r/ChoosingBeggars for basically acting as free birth control!