15 People Who Should Not Be In Charge Of Dessert At Any Dinner Party Ever

    I've never said no to dessert...until now.

    1. These crispy cookies:

    Burnt cookies

    2. These fried Oreos that look a bit like something you might step in outside:

    Burnt fried Oreos

    3. This dessert that claims to be cake (but I'm skeptical):

    Cake that doesn't look like cake

    4. This chocolate surprise:

    Chocolate dessert that looks like poop

    5. This terrifying baby shower dessert:

    Little cakes with small fetuses on them

    6. This dinosaur cake someone actually bought from a bakery:

    A dinosaur cake

    7. This pile of...no thanks:

    A bowl of dessert

    8. This burnt birthday cake:

    A burnt cake

    9. This dessert that I promise isn't raw chicken:

    A dessert with a light brown glaze on it

    10. This cake that looks like it's trying to escape:

    Cake with rising sides in an oven

    11. This collapsing cake:

    A collapsing cake

    12. These chocolate chip cookies that lost their chocolate chips:

    Cookies on a baking sheet

    13. This cake that really had so much potential:

    A cake with the top layer slipping off the bottom layer

    14. This gorgeous birthday cake:

    A birthday cake that looks like mush

    15. Finally, this cake with an evil side:

    A cake with an angry face baked into it

    H/T: r/shittyfoodporn