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    Say Hi To The #LoveThySelfiePledge

    Your friends are all taking the #LoveThySelfiePledge. You have no idea what it is. It's awkward. Don't worry - I gotchu, boo.

    Social media is a jungle. You pretty much JUST figured out what the Ice Bucket Challenge was, like, yesterday, and now there's ANOTHER hashtag in town?! I feel your pain; it's hard enough just to keep up with the Kardashians, let alone what's trending on the interwebz. But don't take a shame-riddled trip to Urban Dictionary just yet, my friend - I'm here to tell you everything you need to know about the #LoveThySelfiePledge! But what gives me the authority to do this, you say? Well... **effortlessly slips on sunglasses** I just so happen to be one of the people who created it.

    Contrary to what you might think, I'm not actually a crime scene investigator. In truth, I work for Kids Now, the Canadian charity behind the #LoveThySelfiePledge. We offer free after school mentorship programs to students in grades seven and eight to empower them and set them on the right path for a successful transition into high school. We take a proactive approach with our program, and aim to "put urgency out of business" by giving our students the tools to cope with stressors like bullying and peer pressure before they reach a breaking point.

    Part of our program focuses on the importance of having a positive self-view and exercising self-compassion, and this is what inspired us to create the #LoveThySelfiePledge. In all honesty, EVERYONE can benefit from being nicer to themselves, regardless of age. So, in addition to raising awareness and funds for Kids Now, our goal for the #LoveThySelfiePledge is to encourage anyone who will listen to take a step towards treating themselves better.

    Okay, so we've established that the #LoveThySelfiePledge is all about getting people to change the way they think about themselves from critical to kind. But how exactly does one take the pledge? Well, ✩ LET ME TELL YOU! ✩

    Step 1:

    Take a selfie - any ol' selfie will do! Except, of course, for a selfie taken while driving, crossing the street, or under any other sort of risky circumstances. A safe selfie is a great selfie, boys and girls!

    Step 2:

    Upload your photo to Instagram, Twitter, and/or Facebook. Please make sure to include the hashtag #LoveThySelfiePledge in the caption!

    Step 3:

    Nominate three friends to take the pledge next.

    Step 4:

    State Farm is matching each of the first 10,000 selfies with a $1 donation to Kids Now, but you can personally make a $5 donation in a matter of seconds. All you have to do is text "kidsnow" to 41010 and follow the instructions you receive, so the next time you're pretending to be busy with your phone in an awkward situation you might as well do some good!

    Step 5:

    FOOLED YA! There isn't a fifth step, you're done! Classic prank on my part, amirite?!

    ... Really though, that's all there is to taking the #LoveThySelfiePledge. You can do something seriously meaningful for yourself AND Kids Now in a matter of minutes (unless you're me and spend half an hour setting up a fan beforehand so you can feel like Beyonce), which is a pretty sweet deal if you ask me. I could go on and on about why you should participate, but the bottom line is that YOU DESERVE to love thy self(ie). So put on your best smize and ready your favourite Insta filter - it's time to take the pledge!


    For more information, visit