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    Charlie Puth Just Got A Musical Ass-Whooping

    Homeboy spurned the wrooooong girl, and the outcome couldn't be better.

    Ah, Charlie Puth. Singer. Charmer. Proud owner of an eyebrow notch.

    And, as it turns out, not the nicest guy around.

    Puth recently stood up Berklee College of Music student Noa Vlessing. And she was noooot happy about it.

    Puth and Vlessing started talking after matching on Bumble, the "nice guy" of dating apps.

    The two hit it off, bonding over their shared experiences at Berklee (Puth is an alum).

    Eventually, Puth invited Vlessing over for what he referred to as a "low-key chill" with his friends.

    Vlessing headed over with her sister, speaking to Puth over the phone while enroute. When they got there, however, he proved that he was not, in fact, "One Call Away".

    When they arrived, Puth's manager told them that he'd come down to the lobby shortly.

    They waited for almost an hour.

    Puth stopped answering his phone, and never showed.

    Vlessing was NOT pleased. So of course, like any good musician, she channelled her feelings into a song.

    And what a song it is.

    View this video on YouTube

    Noa Vlessing / Via

    The response to Vlessing's video has been overwhelmingly positive, with many of its viewers rallying to get it seen by Puth himself.

    As Vlessing says, Puth "definitely left the wrong girl hanging."

    Your move, Charlie 😘