19 Things That Everyone Did In A Girl's School That Seemed Normal At The Time, But Are Actually Quite Weird

    Covering your earrings with plasters during P.E – what was that about?!

    1. Unsnapping your unsuspecting friend's bras through their shirts.

    2. Pulling up your tights and removing your wedgies in front of everybody, without giving it a second thought.

    3. And also readjusting your padded bra with pride.

    4. "Fixing" the ladders of your tights with clear nail polish.

    5. Covering your jewellery with plasters during P.E, because "apparently" running across a field with studs in was a health hazard.

    6. And being met with suspicion when you tried to use your period as an excuse to get out of P.E, because the teachers knew everyone's cycles were synced.

    7. Loudly discussing the details of every bodily function, including your period, with your friends...

    8. ...But then feeling like you were taking part in the biggest drug deal of the century when you exchanged a pad with a friend.

    9. Having a communal body spray that was pretty much your friendship group's signature scent.

    10. Which I guess isn't so weird when you remember that you were probably sharing every item of makeup between your girls, eyeliner and all.

    11. Literally not giving a shit about your appearance for the majority of the day...

    12. ...Until afternoon break, which may as well have been called the makeover period.

    13. And then inevitably calling upon the services of that one girl who knew how to braid hair.

    14. Being on persevering mission to make your skirt as short as anatomically possible...

    15. ...To the point where you convinced yourself that rolling it up until it stuck out like a tutu was a lewk.

    16. Developing a mass crush on any male teacher that was passably attractive and under 30...

    17. ...Then being incredibly unsubtle about said crush, which probably made him very uncomfortable.

    18. Going out of your way to replace your functional school bag with a disposable one from a "cool" shop.

    19. And finally, getting really caught up in the weekly rumour that the school was planning to become a mixed one.

    Don't forget to tell us your favourite girl's school memories in the comments!