24 Questions I, An Adult, Have For Today's Teens

    Why are you still watching Friends?

    I'm not totally out of touch, but I don't know what it’s like to be Gen Z teen. So, at the risk of sounding completely ancient, I’ve got some questions that I really want the answers to:

    1. What’s the biggest trend right now?

    2. What “retro” things are cool now?

    3. And what’s something that we think is cool, but really isn’t?

    4. What old school trend do you wish would come back?

    5. Do you watch traditional TV?

    6. What TV programs show teen life in the most realistic way?

    7. And what shows do a crap job at representation?

    8. Why do you all still watch Friends?

    9. What celebs do you guys adore?

    10. And what ones get dragged the most?

    11. Who are your favourite influencers?

    12. What '90s and '00s stars do you still consider celeb royalty?

    13. Who makes up the slang?

    14. What’s the deal with Tik Tok?

    These Tik tok kids are evolving 😂

    How does it work?!?!?!

    15. And what other apps do you use?

    16. Where do you listen to music?

    17. What do you guys think is a good age to have your shit together?

    18. And how old is old?

    19. How are you all managing to skip the awkward phase?

    20. I hear you guys are drinking less – what’s up with that?

    21. Is it all about vaping now?

    22. Does anyone date in real life, or is it all about the apps?

    23. What stereotype about Gen Z is totally untrue?

    24. And finally, what defines your teenage era?