18 Pictures That Really Aren't What They Seem

    Prepare to say "wait, what?!" in 3...2...1...

    1. This floating fisherman:

    2. These spaceships:

    3. These holy jeans:

    4. This precarious situation:

    5. These all-seeing glasses:

    6. These cheeky guys:

    7. This incredibly well-dressed OAP:

    8. This mutant leg:

    9. This good boy who's on the lookout for something:

    10. These five lads who are out for a spin:

    11. Another mutant limb:

    12. This headless gymnast:

    13. This risqué pair:

    14. This looooonggg cow:

    15. This kitty who's got himself in a bit of a sticky situation:

    16. These bendy guys:

    17. These even bendier ladies:

    18. And finally, this proud dad who got a fresh set of nails in time for the birth of his kid:

    H/T: /r/confusing_perspective