18 Movie Adaptations That Actually Did The Books Justice

    "I'm sure it's been said multiple times but it's the best example of an adaptation. It was so clear that everyone involved loved the books and wanted to do it properly."

    Every reader knows that when it comes to book-to-screen adaptations, all bets are off. Sometimes, they can be a letdown, but here are the retellings that you, the avid readers of our Community, thought did the original stories justice!

    1. Divine Secrets Of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood

    2. White Oleander

    3. Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret

    4. Holes

    5. A Series of Unfortunate Events

    6. The Sandman

    7. Outlander

    8. Alice in Wonderland

    9. The Outsiders

    10. The Martian

    11. Room

    12. Brideshead Revisited

    13. The Green Mile

    14. The Princess Bride

    15. Atonement

    16. The Lord of the Rings trilogy

    17. Stardust

    18. Misery

    Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    Don't forget to tell us your favourite book to screen adaptations!