19 Teen Movie Moments That Show The Difference Between School In America Vs. Australia

    Sorry, but what is “mystery meat”?

    1. Separating elementary school, middle school, and high school.

    2. Using terms like freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior to describe grades.

    3. Having to submit college applications.

    4. Having to do extracurricular activities for ~extra credit~.

    5. Going on school ski trips.

    6. The infamous ~cafeteria~ in general.

    7. And the food they served at said cafeteria.

    8. Having to climb a long, freestanding rope in gym class.

    9. Getting to have 104 days off for ~summer vacation~.

    10. And finding a summer internship to make good use of your time.

    11. Watching the iconic high school cheerleading squad during pep rallies.

    12. Actually having a parking spot to yourself.

    13. The fact that “back to school shopping” meant clothes and not stationery.

    14. Going to prom.

    15. Having the option to choose whether you want to do algebra, geometry, or trigonometry.

    16. And having the option to do AP classes, which are college-level courses you can do in high school.

    17. Having no use for ~bleachers~ because school sport is basically non-existent in Australia.

    18. Collectively catching a yellow bus to get to and from school.

    19. And finally, taking school sport WAY too seriously.