Australians Are Sharing Stories About Venomous Bites And I'm Actually Horrified

    "I woke up to my mum screaming and pointing at a half-squashed spider the size of a dinner plate."

    When you live in Australia, chances are you've heard the warnings when dealing with our wildlife. In fact, most Aussies grow up learning survival skills to keep themselves safe from our harsh weather and venomous creatures.

    1. "A redback — and not much really. My finger hurt and got swollen."

    2. "I was bitten twice on the fingers by a red bellied black snake a couple of years ago whilst on a job."

    3. "Spider. Cleaned it up, put some Betadine on it, kept going."

    4. "I was bitten by a redback spider on top of my left foot."

    5. "My hubby was stung by a scorpion while we were out hiking."

    6. "I was bitten by a snake on the foot in my mid-teens."

    7. "Not bitten, but I stepped on a bullrout about five years ago swimming in a creek while camping."

    8. "I was bitten by a scorpion."

    9. "I was at work picking up some wooden sleepers and put my arm on a centipede I didn't see."

    10. "Not me, but my uncle got bitten by an eastern brown snake about 15 years ago."

    11. "I was bitten by a white tail spider when I was a teen."

    12. "I actually don't know what jellyfish it was, though I was told it was a newly hatched group of box jellies, so absolutely teeny-tiny jellies. I remember them being smaller than thumbnail size."

    13. "Mine is a soft story, but painful."

    14. "A huntsman spider that crawled into bed with me. While sleeping, I rolled on top of it and squashed half of it's legs."

    15. And finally, "I’ve been bitten twice by white tailed spiders."

    Have you been bitten by any venomous creatures before? Let us know in the comments below!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.