We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    25 Cooking Products For Anyone Who Is Tired Of Feeding Themselves Every Day

    Including the appliance reviewers love so much, one even had a couples photo shoot with theirs.

    1. A versatile chopping device that you've been waiting for your whole life and just didn't know it. This bb chops, dices, and grates veggie to your heart's content, so you'll never have to tearfully hack away at a stubborn onion again.

    Promising review: "Such a great product! I used to spend anywhere from 5–15 minutes cutting veggies and now it literally takes seconds! Cuts down on my prep time significantly and doesn’t make cooking a chore anymore! Best kitchen product I've bought to date." —Britney

    Get it from Amazon for $29.97.

    2. Or a time-saving hand-powered chopper to make you feel like something of a superhero. Just throw in veggies, nuts, herbs, and more and pull the handle until you're satisfied. You might have enough fun that you'll dread whipping food up a little less.

    reviewer using veggichop to chop onions
    chopped onion after chopping with veggichop

    Promising review: "This chopper is amazing!! I love cooking, but used to absolutely HATE chopping onions... until someone gave me this chopper! Now I simply have to quarter the onion, throw it in the chopper, pull the handle about 10–15 times, and they're ready to be used! No more teary eyes or spending a long time chopping onions. The cup is big enough to fit a whole onion... I think the capacity is 3 cups. There's tons of other uses to this as well... you can chop pretty much anything from herbs, veggies and fruits, to making salsa and guacamole." —Valjulia

    Get it from Amazon for $15.77+ (available in three colors).

    3. A bestselling microwave pasta cooker with over 9,000 5-star ratings that you just add water and pasta to, stick in the microwave for 12 minutes, and enjoy. It'll help you save time — and water!

    The transparent box-shaped cooker, featuring a portion measurer on the lid
    Gif of how to use the cooker

    It can make one to four servings of pasta, individual servings of rice, lasagna noodles, and gluten-free pasta. The lid doubles as a sieve and helps you drain the pasta once you're all done.

    Promising review: "This is the first time I've taken the time to write a review for anything I've purchased from Amazon. I live alone and my schedule gets me out of the door about 1 p.m. and back home between 10 and 10:30 p.m. I have a great 15-minute pasta sauce recipe from Cook's Illustrated that's fast and tasty but pulling out the big pot, filling it up, waiting for the water to boil, dropping the pasta and waiting for it to finish really meant that this was something I had to prepare in advance and reheat when I got home. Not anymore. I've owned this Fasta Pasta maker for over four months now and I highly recommend it. I measure out the pasta, put in the water, drop in the pasta, put it in the microwave and set it for 15 minutes. While it's cooking away, I make my sauce, and both are done at the same time. A healthy meal in a short amount of time with minimal clean-up. It absolutely works as advertised. If it disappeared, I would immediately purchase another. Buy it, you won't be disappointed." —DokRok5150

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99.

    4. A pack of slow cooker liners that'll make preparing food and cleaning up as 👏 easy 👏 as 👏 possible. Just discard the liner once you're finished, 'cause why scrub anything clean if you don't have to?

    A two-compartmented slow cooker with liners on either side, filled with dips and side salads

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Elizabeth Lilly says, "I have a thing for slow cookers because they’re *incredibly* helpful — but cleaning that huge stoneware is a total nightmare and, honestly, keeps me from using it as often as I should. Years ago I picked up a box of Reynolds slow cooker liners and have been using them since. They make cleanup SO EASY that I feel a little guilty about it. And I don’t have a dishwasher, so that’s a pretty big deal. I made some delicious slow-cooker bread using the liner instead of parchment paper, with no effect on the taste of the bread! I’ve also used it for chili, soup, barbecued pork, and other substantially messier recipes with no problem. Thanks to these babies, I see many more slow cooker meals in my future."

    Promising review: "Why? Why would you want to scrub your giant slow cooker? Well, now you don't have to — these liners are the perfect solution for your slow cooker needs. Simply place it in your crockpot like you would a trash bag, add all of your ingredients, cook, and then when you're all done...just trash the liner! I've been using these for years and I will never go back to scrubbing the tough cooked-on food from the day's cooking. I have never once had a liner with a leak and I really feel like Reynolds has helped make kitchen cleanup so much easier with this smart product." —Katie B.

    Get six liners from Amazon for $3.48 (also available in a pack of 48, a smaller size available in a pack of five, and a bundle with both sizes).

    5. A Shark Tank-approved silicone freezing tray for transforming your meal prep routine. It'll help ya easily save sauces, broths, soups, smoothies, and more.

    Promising review: "This is great. It's such an elegant solution to freezing leftovers. I recently made a meat sauce, portioned out the leftovers, and put it in the freezer. It's so easy to remove frozen portions, then bag/vacuum pack for longer storage in the freezer. After reading reviews of similar products from other brands (with people saying their off brand version keeps shedding dust, flimsy design, leaking, not acting like food-grade silicone, can't put in oven, etc.), Souper Cubes is the only brand I will buy. I am so impressed, I plan to grow my collection of Souper Cubes. It deserves more than 5 stars (I've never said that about a product before)." —Therese

    Souper Cubes is a small biz that makes freezing and storing freezer-friendly foods accessible and easy.

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95 (available in two colors and in packs of two).

    6. A nonstick rice cooker reviewers love SO much that one literally had a couples photo shoot with theirs. It comes with a steaming tray so you can steam meat and veggies at the same time as your rice. 

    Reviewer gazing happily at their rice cooker while leaning against a tree
    Reviewer resting their cheek against their rice cooker and against a forest background

    I mean, just look at the happy couple.

    It can make up to eight cups of cooked rice, and includes a steam tray, serving spatula, and measuring cup. It also has a delay timer function so you can schedule it to prepare meals up to 15 hours in advance. It's also great for cooking soups, stews, chili, and oatmeal, and reheating leftovers.

    Promising review: "It has been years since had a rice cooker, and this makes rice even better than I remember — certainly better than when I used a pot. There is absolutely no mess, no bubbles, no overflow. The rice is GORGEOUS when done and slides right out of the nonstick pot. All I have to do is wipe the cooking pot with a soapy sponge, there is nothing to scrub! I pour the rice and water in, push ON, and know that I have exactly 30 minutes until the rice is perfect. I could not be happier with this purchase." —Cynthia Corral

    Get it from Amazon for $29.98+ (available in two colors and two versions).

    7. A Chefman compact air fryer so you can have all the crispy food you want, from chicken wings to veggies and baked goods, without the oil normally needed for frying. TBH, it really is as amazing as it sounds.

    shrimp being made in an air fryer
    fries being made in an air fryer

    You just have to preheat, dump in your ingredients, and that's literally it. 

    All I can say is I finally caved and got an air fryer, and it has changed my life. Trust me, it's worth every penny.

    Promising review: "Hands-down best air fryer, and I will tell you why. I’m 59, old-school and like to keep it simple but I also enjoy having the latest and greatest.  This is ridiculously easy to use, so easy to clean and the quality is top notch. The controls could not be easier. I cooked frozen french fries in this thing. Amazing! In the oven it takes 20 minutes, it was 10 minutes with the air fryer and halfway through it has this shake alert so you can pull it out shake it around. They turned out perfect. You will be surprised just how little oil you need. Clean up is a breeze….pull the basket, remove the rack and wash. It’s not going to be like deep frying but honestly I’m from the South, I grew up on fried foods in the cast iron skillet and fried chicken in this thing comes in at a very close second. I cooked red potatoes and a pork tenderloin and it was better than in my cast-iron skillet. And seriously! Check out this price! What’s not to love about this thing! Nothing. Absolutely nothing! Get yourself an air fryer cookbook to really get a lot of use out of this. Healthier than frying, great price, easy to clean. This is the one you want." —Brenda Miller

    Get it from Amazon for $66.80+ (available in three sizes).

    8. A bestselling handheld Magic Bullet blender that chops, mixes, blends, grinds, whips, and more so you can make easy smoothies for breakfast, soups for lunch, and quick sauces for din. The blending container doubles as a cup, so you can go straight to gulping down your drink without any extra steps.

    Reviewer holding their Magic Bullet blender full of a smoothie on their knee
    Reviewer's blender plugged in on their kitchen counter

    It comes with the blender, several cups, a to-go lid, and a 10-second recipe guide.

    Promising review: "My previous blender was not getting the job done and most of my shakes and smoothies were coming out clumpy and not enjoyable at all. It was time to find a better blender! Getting the Magic Bullet was probably one of the best and easiest decisions I’ve made. The seamless transition from putting all your ingredients in one blender and being able to use the same cup to drink out of is second to none! It gets the job done with no issues. The cleanup is so easy as well. I love the extra cups it comes with so you don’t have to transfer what you’ve made to a different container and you can store it in the fridge to enjoy what you’ve made at a later time. 10/10 would highly recommend!" —Adrian

    Get it from Amazon for $39.88+ (available in two colors).

    9. A set of nonstick oven liners so you can actually use your oven without dreading cleaning up the food that dropped while roasting — that's now basically superglued to the oven floor. Consider that back-aching step all but gone, with all the more reason to pop that frozen pizza in.

    The oven liners catching drippings from a pie
    Reviewer's oven liner on the bottom of their oven

    They're also BPA-free.

    Promising review: "I love these oven liners. They’re one of those simple, low cost items that have changed my life for the better. This is my 3rd time purchasing this pack. I periodically take the liner out and wash it in the sink. It’s really easy to get stuck on food to slide right off.  I can’t recommend these enough." —KMG

    Get a set of three from Amazon for $11.99+ (also available in a combo pack).

    10. rapid veggie steamer for making a side dish without actually putting in any work, because it shouldn't be a chore just to eat some broccoli. Just add water until the marked line, add your veggies, microwave for a few minutes, and you're ready to chomp.

    A model placing a green triangular steamer into a microwave

    It's also dishwasher-safe and BPA-free.

    Promising review: "Best veggie steamer! I’ve been using mine for about a year now and I have never been disappointed by how the veggies come out. Fresh or frozen, doesn’t matter. As long as you follow the instructions, they do come out perfectly every single time. Absolutely no complaints. I’ll buy another one if anything ever happens to mine. Really helped make getting more veggies into my meals a whole lot easier." —Sunny

    Rapid Brands is a California-based small business that debuted on Shark Tank in 2012 and specializes in convenient cookware.

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    11. A meal delivery subscription from HomeChef that sends you pre-portioned and pre-labeled ingredients so you can easily make your own meals without having to doing any planning or prepping yourself.

    You can peruse HomeChef's menu to see their current (customizable!) offerings, which include easy meals, 15-minute meals, meals for families, and meals that are already oven-ready. You choose your meals for the week online or using their app based off the weekly menu (meals are also available in certain stores). There are over 30 meals and 18 extras to choose from per week. If you don't like a recipe's protein offering, you can swap it out or skip the delivery.

    Get meals from HomeChef for $7.99+/serving.

    12. The *iconic* 10-inch ceramic, non-stick Always Pan, which seasoned and beginning cooks alike will adore. It takes the place of eight (!) pieces of traditional cookware, meaning it's deep enough to boil and shallow enough to sauté — plus steam, strain, fry, braise, and sear. It even has a built-in spoon rest. 

    A pan full of a rice and veggie dish
    BuzzFeed Shopping writer's banana bread prepared in their blue Always Pan
    Abby Kass / BuzzFeed, Haley Zovickian / BuzzFeed

    I'm an inexperienced cook, and I've been wanting to improve at cooking and baking, but have honestly found it pretty intimidating. There are so many different pieces of cookware, all used for different things; I didn't even know where to start. The Always Pan is a godsend for folks like me. It can literally go in an oven, so I made banana bread for the first time in it (pictured on the right). It's deep enough to boil pasta, *and* shallow enough to serve as a sauce pan. I'm so excited to steam dumplings in it and use it to make brownies. Plus, the non-stick feature makes cleaning up so easy and quick. This is an amazing, versatile piece and it's absolutely worth the money for me — and it'll probably put the rest of your pots and pans fully out of business. 

    Even more BuzzFeeders LOVE this! Check out our full Always Pan review.

    Get it from Our Place for $150 (available in eight colors).

    13. A 3-in-1 avocado slicer that smoothly splits, pits, and slices your avocado! Gone are the days of awkwardly using a knife and spoon and getting so frustrated you can't even enjoy your green queen.

    Reviewer's sliced avocado using product
    The avocado slicer

    Promising review: "Avocado? Yes please! This tool is awesome. Easy to cut open the fruit. Pit remover works well, just push onto the pit and give it a twist, and the pit pops right out. The best part is the slicer. Makes beautiful slices for a great presentation. The tool can then be used to scrape any remaining fruit out of the skin. Really happy I bought this tool!" —NPR MAN

    Get it from Amazon for $10.84.

    14. A beloved rapid ramen cooker with over 22,000 5-star ratings if you need EXTRA fast ramen. All it needs is noodles, your microwave, and three minutes of your time.

    Promising review: “More than worth the money. I've used mine almost every day at work or at home for the kids. I've made many different kinds of ramen literally thousands of time with this cooker. I've eaten directly out of it hundreds of times with metal utensils with no scarring or gouges evident. It's a snap to clean and I've run it in the dishwasher almost every time I've used it. Still in great shape. In short it's a time saver. I don't have to attend it while it cooks and it doesn't make the house humid while it’s summer. It's also great for college students as most aren't allowed anything but a microwave in their dorm. It works way better than just boiling water in the microwave and cooking it in a Tupperware container.” —S McGee

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99+ (available in 13 colors, two sizes, and packs of two and four).

    15. The one, the only, Trader Joe's sea salt, garlic, and onion seasoning to turn any meal into a gourmet affair, including all things brunch (that means your beloved avo toast, too)!

    Promising review: "This seasoning blend is just ridiculously delicious. My favorite use so far was for making homemade gluten-free bagels. They. Were. AMAZING. I thought I made enough bagels for the a few days, but my family ate them all in 24 hours. This is really fabulous sprinkled on scrambled eggs, too. My nearest Trader Joe's is over an hour away, so happy to be able to order this here." —Callie

    Get it from Amazon for $6.60.

    16. A stainless steel Instant Pot that works as a slow cooker, pressure cooker, rice cooker, steamer, ~and~ can sauté, make yogurt, and sterilize. You'll be able to get meal prep done with a fraction of the time and energy.

    reviewer's pic of the Instant Pot beside a bowl of vegetables
    reviewer's pic of soup made in the Instant Pot

    Check out our full Instant Pot review and some easy Instant Pot recipes that'll basically cook themselves. BTW, this is great even for those who don't eat meat!

    Promising review: "It makes dinner fast and easy, and if you're like my family and default to vegetarian due to the simple fact that dealing with meat is too much with two kids and everyone getting home at 6:30 p.m., it's a godsend for better protein in your life." —Noel

    Get it from Amazon for $99.99+ (available in 3-, 6-, or 8-quart sizes). Also check out an 11-in-1 Instant Pot with an air fryer.

    17. A bagel guillotine for slicing your bagel ridiculously easily, so you can make your sandwich and get out of that kitchen faster than ever before (and never have to deal with awkwardly halving this delicious but literally round bread again).

    Reviewer pushing down on their bagel guillotine, about to slice their bagel in half
    Reviewer's many sliced bagels cut by the bagel guillotine, lying on their counter

    Promising review: "I had previously considered a bagel slicer to be a frivolous food preparation tool, and an extra item to clutter up the kitchen counter. However, I changed my entire point of view after a particular painful incident. While slicing a crusty bagel and applying a little extra pressure on the knife, the knife slipped and instead took a hunk out of my thumb. Since we do buy bagels on a regular basis, this scary and painful situation caused me to re-think about the usefulness of a bagel slicer. If I need to use a kitchen tool that offers safety from an accidental mishap of a sharp serrated knife, then it’s not a frivolous purchase at all. It is instead an intelligent decision and a worthwhile tool. I use this bagel slicer on a consistent basis.

    "This bagel slicer functions perfectly. The blade pushes down effortlessly and slices our bagels right down the middle. This eliminates my lop-sided slicing especially with those hard crusty bagels. There is no longer a risk of cutting myself, not even with shaky hands. This entire task is a very smooth operation that only takes a couple of minutes to slice through a dozen bagels, which is a lot faster than when I sliced them all by hand. I could not be happier with the purchase of this bagel slicer. Its sleek design is all about safety as well as superior performance, and with extra consideration for the ease of cleaning. I cannot find a single fault in the construction, with its carefully thought out details. It’s a very effective tool and for me it’s a practical addition to my kitchenware." —Careful 'n Selective

    Get it from Amazon for $17.74+ (available in four colors).

    18. A bottle of Mike's Hot Honey, aka a mouthwatering honey and chili peppers blend that elevates everything from fruit to pizza, tea to wings, and cheese to ice cream, so you can make your meal go from bland to bomb with no effort.

    Reviewer's pizza with an open bottle of Mike's Hot Honey next to it
    Reviewer's french toast after adding Mike's Hot Honey as a topping
    Reviewer's margarita after adding Mike's Hot Honey to it

    As you can see above, pizza, French toast, and spicy margaritas are just a few of the *many* foods/drinks reviewers are using Mike's Hot Honey with to kick up the flavor and add just a touch of heat. Also, it's Paleo-friendly and gluten-free!

    Promising review: "I tend to shy away from spicy foods, but I couldn’t resist the opportunity to try a new condiment to liven up snacks and recipes with. I was afraid the spice would be overpowering, but it’s actually quite mellow and smooth; just the right touch of heat. So far, I’ve enjoyed this on fruit salad (banana/strawberry/blueberry) with cottage cheese and drizzled on the original Chick-fil-A sandwich. It is so delicious!" —Tiger Paws

    Get it from Amazon for $13.49+ (available in three sizes, spicy and extra hot styles, and in packs).

    To learn more, check out our Mike's Hot Honey review!

    19. A Hamilton Beach breakfast sandwich maker for fixing 'wiches in five minutes or less, so you can have the BEC of your dreams anytime, every day. PSA: Reviewers love this tool so much, one describes it as the best appliance they own.

    The sandwich maker
    reviewer holding egg sandwich

    Promising reviews: "If you love breakfast and sandwiches, this is a no brainer purchase for you! This product is extremely easy to use and clean and lives up to the hype! Even with the most basic ingredients, the sandwiches cook evenly and are delicious with or without additional seasoning. I choose to add butter to the bread and a little salt and pepper to the egg before closing the lid. I should also note the sandwiches I have made are 100% better than anything a fast food restaurant will crank out for you." —Amazon Customer

    "My wife gifted this to me for Christmas and it's one of the best gifts I have ever received. It's great for people on the go who aren't good at cooking (like me) and don't have time or money to get breakfast out." —QuantumLeaper

    "Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in five colors).

    20. A silicone baking mat so you can slap some veggies onto your sheet pan and hurl them in the oven on days you just can't summon the energy to do anything big for dinner. They're super easy to clean so you won't be stuck at the sink scraping the mess off after you eat.

    A reviewer's vegetable and mozzarella sticks cooking on a sheet pan
    A reviewer's croissants cooked on a sheet pan

    Promising review: "I use these mats multiple times a day. They make cleanup super easy, which is really important in my hectic life. They wipe off easily with just water." —Tasia Lung

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $13.60 (available in other packs and two colors).

    21. A reviewer-beloved Dash rapid cooker to take all the hard work out of boiling your eggs. Just fill this gadget with water, add up to six eggs, and you'll be chowing down in no time. Reviewers say the shells practically fall off.

    Reviewer's egg cooker with aqua base and clear glass cover, with eggs inside cooking
    Reviewer's hard boiled eggs made with the rapid cooker, on toast

    When the eggs are done cooking, it will automatically shut off. Plus, cleaning up won't take forever — the removable parts of this cooker are dishwasher-safe.

    Promising review: "The claims are true. This is the easiest and fastest I have ever made hard boiled eggs. I just got it, and I haven't tested it for making anything but hard boiled eggs, but oh man is it great for that. It was easy, it was fast. My wife is giddy, and making deviled eggs as I write this." —Apoc

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99+ (available in eight colors).

    22. And a microwavable four-egg omelet maker for making a perfect morning meal in less than two minutes. 

    The four-egg omelet maker filled with egg, cheese, sausage, and tomatoes
    An omelet with cheese sprinkled on top

    Add your cheese and frozen vegetables, and you're good to go. This product is dishwasher safe and nonstick for easy cleaning.

    Promising review: “Where has this been all my adult life?! Easy to use and clean and the omelet is fluffier than a skillet version. Be careful to follow directions and not overcook. Overcooking will make the omelet chewy. We’ve added chopped peppers, tomatoes, and bacon crumbles to make a healthy breakfast.” —KJay

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95.

    23. A user-friendly Hamilton Beach panini press so quesadillas, sandwiches, and desserts will be yours for the taking. It fits multiple items at once!

    Reviewer's sandwich inside the panini press
    reviewer's sandwich made with the panini press

    Promising review: "You can't beat this press for the money! Got it less than a week ago and family has already had Cuban sandwiches, quesadillas, and lots of grilled cheese sandwiches. Heats up within a couple of minutes, then takes about four minutes to grill the sandwich. Just wipe off to clean." —jim

    Get it from Amazon for $31.99+ (available in two colors).

    24. A hands-free electric can opener for opening your cans easily and smoothly. It removes the lid without creating those anxiety-producing razor sharp edges. (!!) All you gotta do is press a button.

    a gif of the can opener opening a can
    a reviewer photo of the can opener

    Promising review: "I bought this for my mother, who has some problems with arthritis, and when we gathered around to see if it worked, we were all pretty impressed. It left the edge of the can crimped in a way that avoids those sharp edges, which I personally have been sliced by several times. At first, it didn't seem like it was working, but then we lifted it and boom! Open can. I might get one for myself, honestly." —Rachel C.

    Kitchen Mama is a small biz whose products aim to make cooking a little easier.

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99 (available in four colors).

    25. A stainless-steel microwavable grill pan that uses patented heatwave technology similar to an infrared grill so that your meat is crispy and browned in minutes. Use it for lamb chops, steak, bacon, or hot dogs anywhere, whether you're at home or in a dorm room or hotel.

    The grill pan can also be used to reheat leftovers and is dishwasher safe.

    Promising review: As a general rule, I don't care for meat or fish cooked in the microwave. This little grill pan changed my mind. I cooked a steak in it, adjusting the time in the instructions so it wouldn't be well done. Boy, my steak was GREAT! I preheated as instructed and flipped the steak, too. The pan and lid were very easy to clean. It's just the right size for one or two people. I can't say enough good things about this pan.” —gin 

    All foods can be grilled. From pineapple to pizza. You can grill and add your stock as well to make soups. Too versatile. For work I live in a hotel and this is going with me to take home! Too easy breezy to not use. Cleanup can be done with a wet napkin.” —Hoochie

    Get it from Amazon for $49.99.

    The reviews in this post have been edited for length and clarity.