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    The Girl Rule

    Girls have a lot of social rules, but they're never spoken out loud. Eating is one of them. It sucks until you find the best friend you can pig out with.

    The Eating Rule

    Girls, especially teenage girls, have this unspoken social etiquette. They don't say it out loud, but it is there. For robust girls like myself, that makes social events torture. The rule about eating is simple. Pretend you're not hungry. Or if you ask someone if they're hungry you're obviously not hungry at all, you're just asking. Right. Or so you say. The rule means that whatever time is, you're not hungry in the company of friends. You don't want to be the one to eat the most or the first one to be hungry. Which sucks.

    That's why at a party with girls or even worse, all girls, no one really eats anything. One time I went to my friends birthday party; it was a pizza party. You know how some pizza's they cut into about twenty slices? It was like that. Out of the eight girls that were there, there was about three slices taken. Why? Because of the unspoken rule. No one wanted to be the one to take the first piece or look fat by taking another slice.

    It's actually pretty ridiculous that girls have this rule, but we do. If you're a guy that happens to be reading this, do your girlfriend or friend a favor, be the one to pig out first. Or ask if she's hungry because you're really hungry. Most girls don't speak up if they're hungry. There are exceptions though. One girl I know, partly follows this rule. The first time I went to her house, we pigged out. It was awesome. We ate so much. She and I are pigs whenever we get together. Every time she comes over she brings a bag full of snacks with her. Whenever we go to the movies, we load up on snacks and stuff it into a huge purse.

    That's why we need to re-evaluate our system. This rule may seem stupid and that's because it is. But, sadly, it's a rule that's enforced. Just find a friend you can have a buffet with. Or better yet, don't wait for that friend to do it, you do it. All girls love to eat, they just don't want to admit that they do. Forget the rule! It'll make your life so much easier! Then you can go for that second slice of pizza with care. Better yet, eat a whole carton of ice cream with your best friend.