This Raccoon Climbed 10 Storeys Up A Building And Is Basically Spider-Man

    Eats your trash, any size / Catches rabies just like flies / Look out, here comes the Spider-Raccoon!

    This little guy in Hamilton, Ontario, proved there's no place too high or difficult for a raccoon to reach. Not even a balcony 10 storeys up.

    Bill Dowd, the president and CEO of Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, responded to the call. "We went in anticipating we’d catch it on the balcony, put it in a caged trap, then go back down and release it."

    "In 27 years, I’ve never seen a raccoon climb 10 storeys,” Dowd told BuzzFeed Canada.

    The raccoon climbed about five storeys down and stopped at another balcony, where Dowd says he had built himself another little home.

    Despite how unusual it is to see raccoons climbing up and down brick walls, it was clear to Dowd that the little critter had made the journey many times before. He had to be “encouraged” to keep climbing all the way down to ground level.

    Dowd said the raccoon wasn't made homeless as a result of his intervention, though.

    “All urban wildlife, in cities across North America, they all have five to ten den sites.”

    Watch the amazing Spider-Raccoon in action.

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