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    15 Images That Are Actually You As A Dog Parent

    If I can't bring my dog, I'm not going.

    1. You unapologetically have 50 thousand photos of your dog on your phone but worry about space for taking more.

    2. You've bailed on events because your dog looked lonely, and TBH you'd rather hang out with them anyway.

    3. But you've bought them their own travel carrier because you want to broaden their horizons...and also have your friendly companion with you.

    4. You've matched outfits with your furchild and you don't even care if anyone judges you.

    5. You've gone ALL OUT celebrating your dog's birthday in only the most extravagant way.

    6. And you also know they make the best dates. Hands down.

    7. You've thought about quitting your job to spend all your time with your dog.

    8. Your background screens on all your electronics are of your adorable furface.

    9. And when you see someone else's dog, you can't help but be reminded of how lucky you are to have YOUR baby in your life.

    10. You literally spoil them rotten and you don't even care.

    11. You've dressed them up in clothes and taken a million photos because they're just so damn cute.

    12. You own at least ONE thing with your dog's face on it.

    13. And you've gone out of your way to bake a delicious meal or treats for your furface — and you *know* they appreciate it.

    14. You've taken them to the grocery store because shopping is boring and they make for excellent company.

    15. And finally, nothing — I MEAN NOTHING — is better than when you catch them smiling about how great their life is with you in it.