Jesinta Campbell Wants To Know Why She Can't "Show Her Tits And Have An Opinion"

    "You can't wear those kind of tops on TV when you're talking about such prominent issues. They show a little bit too much."

    Australian presenter and model, Jesinta Campbell, has spoken out about her management's request that she dress conservatively when addressing issues such as racism and mental health on television.

    Campbell's response to being told to cover up was perfect: "Why can't I show my tits and have an opinion?"

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    "I got a call from my manager saying, 'You can't wear those kind of tops on TV when you're talking about such prominent issues. They show a little bit too much.' And I said, 'Why can't I show my tits and have an opinion?'," she tells the panel.

    Go 👏 in 👏 Jesinta 👏. Do it for all the women who know it's possible to be smart and sassy, no matter what outfit they have on.