12 Easy Ways To Make Your Life Easier This Month

    Spring clean all over.

    1. Every time you get an email you don't want, instead of deleting it, hit unsubscribe.

    2. Clean out your wardrobe with this clever coat hanger trick.

    3. Once that's over, reward yourself by replacing your wire coat hangers with plastic or wooden ones

    4. Check the expiry date on everything in your fridge and cupboard.

    5. Go through your plastic container stash and get rid of anything that doesn't have a lid.

    6. Also check the expiry dates on all your beauty products.

    7. Clean out your wallet, purse, or handbag.

    8. Pack away your heavy winter wardrobe once the weather warms up.

    9. Fix the things you've been meaning to mend forever.

    10. Start ~thinking~ about any gifts you need to buy over the holiday period, even if you're not actually going to start shopping for months.

    11. Back up your phone and your computer to a hard drive.

    12. And set up automated payments where you can.