19 Grooming Tips Every Guy Needs To Know

    You've got 99 problems? Well, these tricks solve some.

    Let's be real here. For most guys, having a decent beauty routine isn't exactly at the top of their list of ~life goals~.

    1. Cut back on drinking. Stay looking fresh to death.

    2. Use cold spoons to hide the fact you didn't get close to enough sleep.

    3. Go to a proper hairdresser, and be real with them.

    4. Find a hairdresser you actually like. Then stick with them.

    5. When your hairline starts to recede, get a haircut to suit.

    6. If your hair is thinning, go shampoo shopping and farewell your man bun.

    7. If you've got dandruff, take cooler showers.

    8. If you want to grow your hair long, keep having regular trims.

    9. Most men's brows could do with some shaping. So, check if yours do.

    10. When dealing with a mono-brow situation, don't over-tweeze.

    11. Never, ever, ever bite your cuticles. Push them back.

    12. Go soap-free. On your face, that is.

    13. If you get a pimple, try your very hardest not to squeeze it.

    14. Blackheads aren't just little grains of dirt. So, you can't just wash them off. Instead, you've got to suck them out.

    15. Know your skincare ingredients. Especially, if you have dry or sensitive skin.

    16. Use a toothbrush to clean your razor.

    17. Always trim your beard when it's dry.

    18. Invest in a beard oil, to keep yours feeling touchable.

    19. If you're a sweaty guy, reassess your drinking habits.

    Go forth, guys. You're all beautiful.