44 Questions Everyone In Sydney Have For People Who Live In NYC

    Are you in a constant ~empire state of mind~?

    1. How do you feel about the fact your city is on pretty much everyone's bucket list?

    2. Do all your houses have iconic stoops?

    3. Do you ever dress up all ~glamourous~ just to walk down the street?

    4. After you pay rent, can you even afford to live?

    5. Are you ever worried that you'll get mugged if you leave your apartment?

    6. Is everyone in NYC actually super pessimistic all the time?

    7. Is it impossible to ~find love~ in NYC?

    8. Or is your life a revolving door of romantic interests?

    9. Have you had a life altering conversation in the back of a cab?

    10. Have you ever seen someone masturbating on public transport?

    11. Do you have good clubs that are actually good for people over 18?

    12. Do you ever get a good night's sleep, or is it way too noisy all the time?

    13. Do you ever worry that you're not getting enough fresh air?

    14. Are your ~summer heat~ complaints actually warranted?

    15. Do you guys hate LA? Or do you just think you're superior?

    16. Are New York socialites a real thing?

    17. Have you ever been personally victimised by a fast food vendor?

    18. Does everyone in NYC see a therapist?

    19. Is New Year's Eve actually as big a deal to you guys as the movies make out?

    20. Can you imagine living in a world where the cabs aren't yellow?

    And do you feel weird when you see tourists taking photos of your taxis?

    21. Do you ever get overwhelmed by the amount of cool things to do in NYC?

    22. Does your whole life revolve around work?

    23. Are pigeons your version of cockroaches?

    24. Are you friends with the people in your apartment building?

    25. Do you ever think about the fact the whole world loves songs about your city?

    26. Why does your rain smell so bad?

    27. Do you feel safe walking around at night?

    28. Do you have the best (and also worst) dating stories?

    29. Is Christmas in NYC as amazing as we imagine it to be?

    30. Is there a wise-cracking gang of lovable pre-teens that hang in your street?

    31. What about a token grumpy old man?

    32. Is it hard trying to climb the corporate ladder when there are so many people trying to climb it faster than you?

    33. Is getting hit by a cab one of your biggest fears?


    34. Can you imagine living in a city where the streets weren't numbered?

    35. Do you just get food delivered for every single meal?

    We know we would if we could.

    36. Have you ever dated someone with a private driver?

    37. Do you go out every single night of the week?

    38. How do you feel about the fact you don't have a beach?

    39. Where do you dream about going when you're tired of New York?

    40. Do you always date more than one person?

    41. Does your public transport smell like garbage, or is it just garbage in general?

    42. Do you spend a lot of time in Central Park?

    43. Do you get sick of people telling you how lucky you are to live in New York?

    44. Would you ever consider living in Sydney?

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