13 Tweets That Will Speak To Anyone Who Uses Menulog

    "Free idea: Tinder, but for people trying to reach the minimum amount on Menulog."

    1. When you spend the entire day waiting for your favourite spot to open.

    2. When the anticipation of your food delivery is almost too much to handle.

    3. When you try to justify buying that second pizza just because you want to get it on Menulog.

    4. And when you realise how dependent you've become.

    5. When you start conversations with people who live in your area by asking their favourite place on Menulog.

    6. When you value highly other customer reviews.

    Strong reviews for McDonalds delivery on Menulog

    7. And imagine the people who wrote them happily enjoying their own Menulog experience.

    8. When you're beyond thankful for the app's filters.

    9. And when its text message service makes you momentarily question your existence.

    10. When you and bae get into an argument over an order.

    When you find out your boy didn't add garlic bread to the menu log order

    "FFS David."

    11. When you pray that Menulog will be able to get you through another Monday.

    12. When you're ~in a mood~ and just want to be alone with your meal.

    13. And when you sit back at the end of a long hard day - Menulog order in hand - and think to yourself: "Man, I'm killing it".

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