16 Pictures That Perfectly Sum Up Your Sex Life

    Or so I've been told. Obviously I'd have no idea.

    1. When your parents catch you.

    2. When your parents catch you and you weren't exactly having sex in the traditional sense.

    3. Or worse, when YOU catch your parents.

    4. When you realize you don't have a condom.

    5. When the condom comes out broken.

    6. When you accidentally get a hair pulled out.

    7. When your partner finishes during foreplay.

    8. When you've been drinking.

    9. And when you then decide that's gone on long enough, and try to finish up with your hand, but it's hopeless.

    10. When they keep going after they should have stopped.

    11. When you can't get it up.

    12. When the other person finishes and falls asleep.

    13. When they have bad breath.

    14. When it's bigger than you thought.

    15. When it's smaller than you thought.

    16. When it's all going well and you suddenly realize you shouldn't have had so much cheese at dinner.