15 Things Everyone Who Wears Glasses Has Had To Put Up With

    "How many fingers am I holding up?"

    1. People are constantly asking to try on your glasses to see if it will "make them dizzy."

    2. And then the second they get them on, they ask, "How do you see with these things?"

    3. When you take them off, people ask you things like, "How many fingers am I holding up?"

    4. You know this doesn't actually do anything other than just spread around the grime.

    5. And only those special microfiber cloth things can actually get them clean.

    6. For some reason, when they're super dirty it doesn't bug you, but when there's just one little spot, it's the worst thing in the world.

    7. Occasionally, it seems like people just suddenly notice that you wear glasses, and they'll say something along the lines of, "Have you always worn glasses?"

    8. Or if you've changed your glasses recently.

    Yeah, in 2004.

    9. When you take them off, you understand exactly how Clark Kent feels, because the whole world acts as if you were a completely different person.

    10. And there's always somebody who says that you look better without glasses, and that you should wear contacts.

    11. Have you noticed that "watching TV" and "laying on your side" are two concepts that don't go well together?

    12. You hate watching movies in 3D.

    13. You've turned the house upside down looking for a pair of glasses that are on your head.

    14. You've also lost a pair that you still think must be in a parallel dimension, because you have no idea where else they could have ended up.

    15. But you know you'll never lose the pair that have survived several operations.