36 Times The Power Rangers Fought Really, Really Dumb Bad Guys

    Are you really telling me that it's a costume?

    1. This bug with a monocle.

    2. And his friend, the blue... yeti?

    3. And a bad guy who was A PIRATE SHIP and his name was Captain Mutiny.

    4. A cell phone monster, of course. It was the '90s after all.

    5. And a... clarinet monster. Or something. I don't know.

    6. The WWII-era fighter plane monster.

    7. And, of course, the unbeatable LAWNMOWER monster.

    8. This EVIL LETTUCE.

    9. This Darth Maul that's wearing armor that looks like a vagina with teeth.

    10. Coneface.

    11. Shakespeare robot playing Go Fish.

    12. Whatever the hell the dude on the left is.

    13. And this monster that is NOT SCARY AT ALL!

    14. This background extra from Frozen.

    15. This evil woman who looks like she's from a '90s Showtime late night show.

    16. Shitty C-3PO.

    17. A slug with horns.


    19. Look, I have no idea.

    20. Obviously a gremlin from Gremlins.

    21. This INFERNAL puppeteer.

    22. The love child Gringott and John Lennon.

    23. You can't be serious.

    24. I mean, come on.

    25. A mole that paints.

    26. A dinosaur who got his eyebrows done.

    27. A commercial for pads.

    28. Tiny crayfish.

    29. Another yeti, but now with overalls.

    30. Weird porn.

    31. A warm, friendly submarine.


    (Special mention to those special effects)

    33. Honestly, this one is just disgusting.

    34. Is it SUPPOSED to look like a robot zombie Hitler?

    35. This evil wedding dress.

    36. Ding Dong.

    This post was translated from Spanish.