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6 Things About Your New Brand Strategist

HELLO HELLO! Thanks for finding me here. I'm Gretchen Sword, your new primary point person at BuzzFeed. I look forward to working with you. Here are six things you may not know about me!

1. I am super obsessed with business and financial news and quite literally, always have been.

2. Some of this stuff is actually in my blood

3. I blog on a semi-regular basis about the changing state of business and the media landscape.

4. ENT(F)J...

Whenever I take the 16 personalities test, I ALWAYS get Extroverted, Intuitive, a perfect split between Thinking 53% (and Feeling 47%) and Judging. I'm curious to know what you get...let me know!

5. I'm super obsessed with animals.

My pets!

6. I practice a lot of yoga. Let me know if you ever want to practice together :-)