This '90s Bob Is The Haircut You Need To Shake Up Your Winter Look This Year

    Admit it: you want it.

    So listen, if 15th century Joan of Arc vibes aren't enough to convince you to go for a blunt bob...

    Let some iconic ladies of the '90s convince you: First up, we have Natalie Portman à la The Professional from 1994 providing compelling evidence that a bob + choker combo is the only one that matters...

    As well as Winona Ryder in her 1993 film The House of the Spirits, pairing her bob with a killer hat:

    Obviously, you can't talk about iconic '90s looks without a nod to Drew Barrymore and her hair...

    But let our closing argument be: Kim Kardashian had a bob in the '90s, which means you officially need to get on this trend!

    Meet the '90s bob — a blunt, chin-length cut that will pair perfectly with those mom jeans and turtlenecks you've been amassing over the year.

    See? Lucy Hale got one...

    Actress Brigette Lundy-Paine from Atypical got one:

    Even new rules queen Dua Lipa got one!

    It works with wavy hair...

    And you can even throw in some soft layers if you want:

    If you've been rocking long hair for ages, just LOOK at how dramatic of a change this will be:

    It looks extra cute when you tuck hair behind your ears...

    And can be styled straight or wavy, obvs:

    In summary, the '90s bob is the haircut you need to impress your family over the holidays, step up your winter style, and close out the new year on a fab note all at once. It really does it all!

    This post was translated from Spanish.