18 Terrifying Clowns that Will Keep You From Ever Sleeping Again

    Coulrophobics shouldn't even click on this one.

    1. Halloween's coming up! It's that time of year when the most macabre minds are out on display.

    2. Makeup like this obviously requires a ton of talent...

    3. ...but also a twisted mind.

    4. And if you yourself have a dark, twisted mind, you're going to love this one.

    5. But if clowns terrify you, you'll probably not be super into this one.

    6. Check this one out! Perfect for any kid's birthday party.

    7. Ok... I think I'm starting to understand why nobody likes them.

    8. With that fake smile always plastered across their faces...

    9. ...and that deep, penetrating stare...

    10. ...saying, "Come play with me." No thanks!

    11. She just wants to be your friend.

    12. Oh! She seems nice! Look! Someone even gave her a hug.

    13. Adorable.

    14. Psst, this lovely creature has a secret to tell you. Want to hear it? Just get a little closer.

    15. Remember... it's what's on the inside that counts.

    16. Especially when the insides come leaking out.

    17. Hope you've enjoyed the pictures! Don't forget that they'll always be watching you.

    18. And if you actually made it this far, CONGRATULATIONS! You've conquered your fear, or maybe discovered a new one.