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    10 Reasons Journalism Today Is Not What It Used To Be

    Journalism, journalism.

    The Problem With Journalsim Today- Yes, I lied about the title.

    Today, we call anything journalism. People on here, people who write about cute dogs and a celebrity making a post, for a living, are called journalists. These people aren't journalists. You aren't a journalist. The real journalists are the ones in the newsrooms, waking up in the middle of the night and running in as a new story breaks, the ones who wait for a real, reliable source. The ones who are dedicated to helping people, the ones who stay up all night finishing a story. The ones who go to Africa, and Iraq, and Pakistan, to get the best view of the story. The people who go on the air during a breaking news coverage when they have nothing to go off of, just a sheet of paper with what they need to tell the viewers.

    These are the journalists that matter. In fact, these are the only journalists there are. The ones who report the news, the ones who write the news in newspapers, for the people who still care about newspapers. But the people who call themselves "journalists" today are not journalists. The people who write about the stupidest things- celebrities and cute dogs and new fads. These are the people who make me not want to call myself a journalist. I am not yet a journalist. But one day, I hope to be a real journalist. Not someone who sits in a BuzzFeed office all day trying to think of 10 ways dogs are better than cats.

    Because those people make me sick. Who are you to call yourself a journalist? The information you are giving is not helping anyone, it's not informing anyone on anything useful and important. Yes, I admit, there is a News section on this site. And I commend the ones who actually write those stories with passion, and try to get every last detail into the article. But the others? I do not commend you. You are writing with no meaning. You are writing for the bored people of this era who have nothing better to do than to stare at a screen and wonder, "when will Kim Kardashian have another baby".

    That is the problem with journalism today. Because we've turned journalism into what we socially call journalism. Not what is journalism. The dictionary definition of journalist and journalism are as follows:

    journalism- "the activity or job of collecting, writing, and editing news stories for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio"


    journalist- "a person engaged in journalism; especially : a writer or editor for a news medium"

    These are definitions from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary.

    Today, journalism has fallen apart. But what you see on this site, that's not journalism.

    And so I can publish this, here is an unrelated picture.