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    17 Struggles You'll Know If You've Ever Had A UTI

    More like Urinary WACK Infection

    1. So it's a regular day, and you're just living your life, feeling like the bomb ass bitch that you are.

    2. When all of a sudden a familiar feeling strikes you:

    3. And that feeling turns into a burn:

    4. That's right. It's a UTI:

    5. And it's coming for ya:

    6. And you immediately retreat into the fetal position:

    7. You cancel all your plans for the day, because it's not like you're going to get anything done with your crotch on fire:

    8. You try to blow it off to your friends, though:

    9. Even if you may or may not be sending texts while crying from the bathroom:

    10. And then someone says, "It can't be that bad":

    11. And you enter into the whiny complaining phase of UTI-dom:

    12. And you maybe throw yourself a pity party:

    13. Because you've already been to the bathroom 15 times in the last hour:

    14. And it kind of feels like the worst thing to happen to your vagina in a long time:

    15. But you eventually give your lady parts a pep talk:

    16. And take that first drink of cranberry juice:

    17. And you start to feel like the queen you've always been: