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    Sorority Life

    I dropped, left, quit, or how people in Greek Life more commonly known it as to disaffiliate from my Sorority. I went through the whole rush process which consisted of trying to impress girls caked in makeup stumbling to walk in heels too tall for them. I found my “home” while other girls cried over not getting a bid from the sorority they wanted so much to be wanted by. Through the year, my bank account shrunk due to paying dues to be in this “exclusive” “sisterhood” plus money for mixers, socials and money owed if you only attended 3/4 of the required house cleanings. I did not meet my “friends for life”, because sororities are cliquey just like high school. I became close with two of them and the rest I had nothing to talk to them about, but sorority crap. None of my “sisters” felt like going to events for filling slots for fundraisers so we never had an amazing event that raised thousands of dollars. I don’t regret going out for one or trying to fit in with a group of 110 other girls. But my wallet will thank me next year...