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11 Things You Didn't Know About Army Medicine

The U.S. Army has been driving innovation in the field of medicine since its inception. Its exceptional programs, staff, and facilities make it the perfect place for those wishing to pursue a medical career.

1. The Army Medical Department manages 148 graduate medical education programs.

2. The graduate program in Anesthesia Nursing was ranked #1 in 2015.

3. The first time board pass rate for Army physicians is 95%.

4. The Army cares for nearly 1.4 million beneficiaries worldwide.

5. The Army provides more than 11 million outpatient visits per year.

6. Army medicine oversees $1.4 billion in research and development.

7. An average day in Army medicine includes the delivery of 71 babies.

8. Army veterinarians do more than take care of military working dogs.

9. Army medicine handles 24,915 dental procedures on an average day.

10. Army Telehealth (TH) offers remote clinical services across 18 time zones and 30 countries and territories.

11. You can use the Army's Performance Triad to help you become stronger, faster, leaner, and mentally sharper.

Do you want to help pioneer the next groundbreaking medical discovery? Join the U.S. Army health care team to pursue a career of your choice in this field.

Data and research provided by the U.S. Army.