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7 Things The Army Can Do For You

From buying a home to following your passions, what can the Army help you achieve?

When you join the Army, you get a variety of benefits to help you and your family live fulfilled, well-rounded lives. Here are just a few things the Army can help you with:

1. Continue your education.

person writing in a notebook and looking at a laptop screen

2. Get help buying a home.

family of three standing in front of a house

3. Receive 30 days of paid vacation a year.

family on vacation exploring ruins

4. Prepare for retirement.

Jar of saved money

5. Develop skills for lifelong careers.

Two women smiling at a job interview

6. Feel supported as a new parent.

A US Army member sits inside an aircraft with his young daughter

7. Explore job opportunities across 200 unique career paths.

An Army doctor tends to a patient

Explore all the benefits the Army offers at