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    Welcome Back Twinkie, We Missed You!

    After a brief hiatus, THE TWINKIE IS BACK! To celebrate, I've composed a love letter to the spongey, creamy, heavenly delight we all know and love!

    Let's hear it for the Twinkie! America's greatest contribution to food. <3

    Did you know we owe the Twinkie to World War 2?

    For over 70 years the Twinkie lived on in our stomachs and hearts. Until one dark day...

    The Twinkie had left us. But we, like Apu, knew we could never let go!

    We thought the Twinkie would be around forever, long after the apocalypse - like in WALL-E!

    Family Guy had a whole episode about finding Twinkies after the bomb dropped...

    ...but Woody Harrelson couldn't get a single one in Zombieland! :'(

    The Iron Giant taught us that we could bring Twinkies to a new (unhealthier) level...

    ...and so did Weird Al in UHF!

    Ghostbusters used Twinkies to explain theoretical physics...

    ...and even The Dark Knight himself used Twinkies to administer justice!

    But today, my friends, the Twinkie is back! Grab one, or ten, and go to town. Eat them raw, fry them up, or invent your own crazy recipes to celebrate their return!

    And in the meantime, take a minute to discover how we owe the Twinkie's invention to World War 2!

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