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    This Is The Best Star Wars Toy Ever

    Shut up and take our money!

    When the first teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released last November, one little droid captured our attention and our hearts:

    Though not much is known yet about BB-8's role in the film, he looks set to take over from R2-D2 as the heroes' beloved droid sidekick. Best of all, he's not even computer animated!

    Star Wars merchandisers have always been a clever bunch, and in a live-streamed unboxing event introduced the world to a smartphone-powered remote control BB-8!

    Associated Press / Via

    Yes. Smartphone powered.

    Made by Sphero, BB-8 responds to an app for iOS and Android, as well as voice-commands. It also promises an "adaptive personality" which is either amazing or slightly scary.

    Sphero have made gadgets like these before, but it just goes to prove what a savvy bit of marketing and brand-attachement can do for a product. Expect the queues for this to be massive!

    Plenty of tech bloggers have already reviewed it and posted about their experiences with it but we'll leave it to these puppies to give the best review. Because everything is better with puppies.

    View this video on YouTube

    Vanity Fair / Via

    Costing an out-of-reach-of-children $150, it's on sale now!

    Remember when the most high-tech toys were ones that talked when you pushed a button? Kids these days, they don't know how awesome they've got it...