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    Things To Stop Saying To People With An Eating Disorder

    Annoying things people say about eating disorders that they really just shouldn't.

    1."You look so healthy right now"

    2."So wait, is it the disorder of too many cheeseburgers or not enough cheeseburgers?"

    3. You don't LOOK like you have an eating disorder

    4. "Wow. I could NEVER have an eating disorder! I like food way too much"

    5. "Just eat!"

    6. "You have an eating disorder? You must eat so healthy!"

    7. "I have been trying this diet for so long (proceeds to discuss food and calories)"

    8."You must know so much about food and nutrition!"

    9. "Well you're eating pretty normally now"

    10. And finally, "I mean, it's not a REAL illness"