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    What To Do After A Car Accident

    Many individuals who come to my office months after their car accident have caused themselves harm in lower recoveries because they did not harvest valuable information right after their car accident or they made statements to the at fault insurance adjuster that causes the company to offer less.

    Many individuals who come to my office months after their car accident have caused themselves harm in lower recoveries because they did not harvest valuable information right after their car accident or they made statements to the at fault insurance adjuster that causes the company to offer less. These common mistakes can be avoided by getting legal help for your matter soon after you injury. The help of an experienced personal injury attorney is worth considering. Much like being treated by a good doctor for your injuries, having an experienced personal injury attorney to help you through the trials and tribulations of proving your injuries, their damages and your pain and suffering is invaluable. Many times injured victims are never rightly compensated because of their stubbornness in trying to go it alone in the belief that they will be able to advocate for themselves. Much like any other complicated matter in your life, you want to get an expert to help you resolve a problem. Being a victim of a car accident, premises liability or other negligent acts put upon you without your consent are serious complex matters. You need to immediately treat them as such and seek help in developing the matter so later on you have the evidence to prove liability, causation of damages and all of the damages you have gone through. The establishment of your pain and suffering is not something that is easily proven. Things that you can do to increase your recovery are to document whatever injury and the cause of the injury in pictures, videos and other mediums. Today, so many of us have smart phones that can document the car accident scene, injuries, photograph the at fault party, gain photographic evidence at the scene of the car accident that jurors expect to see. The evidence many times is more dramatic and more credible when you visually see the picture versus talking about it in the form of in court testimony. Think of the most recent scandals in the NFL and other places. You first here an eyewitness talk about the assault or other matter but it is not nearly as disturbing until you see the raw footage of the event. The same is true of your injury and its cause. A picture is worth 1000 words or more to most jurors we have spoken to after their deliberations. Prove your case by leaving no doubt about your injuries cause and effect. Getting reasonable medical treatment soon after the car accident and documenting its effect on your life will be advantageous to you when you make a demand or ask for an award at trial. How does a potential juror decide how much you were hurt and how your injuries were caused. Most of the time evidence is lost at the scene of the accident if you don't get witnesses names and contact information. Memories fade. You need to make sure all of the details are inventoried and are ready to be used to your advantage later. Many times the lack of evidence is what hurts the victim's chances in a full economic recovery. Don't get victimized twice, once in the initial accident and the second time by delaying the retention of an expert to advocate for you.