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    I am not a FAILURE , I have a FAIL YEAR

    Hello readers, Have you know the difference between FAILURE & Fail Year or what actually I am trying to say. This is the article for a fail year, through this I am representing them. Now, I try to make you understand what I have to say. Failure means no hope for anything or what we generally say success, they have no vision left at all. They are totally hopeless & vision-less. And Fail Year means that late come success, they surely fail one two or more time but success surely come at one point of time. They are full of hope & vision. They are hard working, dedicated & self-motivating. They hardened their skills every time they get fail. These skills include will power, hard working, self-motivation and also experience that count most now days. These all qualities we can’t expect from a failure guy, these are high qualities that come with facing tough circumstances. The situation generally gets tough by the time if a guy fails in some competitive exam. Things are getting against him. They have to face tough criticism. This is the first thing they have to face after failing. And next thing is consolidation, they get from their love ones. Now, I come to the first thing, criticism. It has own importance in one’s life. Some get sink or some get rise. In other word, failure get sink & fail year get a rise. Impact of criticism in positive way:- · It is a self motivating factor. · It tells you, what actually world thinks about you. · Strengthened your will power. · Tells your weakness. Impact in negative way:- · May lead to depression. · You get sink in your own world. · May harms your physical health. · Give tension to your loved ones. Now Consolidation, it is also important. Because it feels you supportive. All loved one are supporting you. They realize you that this is just a bad phase, good phase are yet to come. Don’t lose your hope. You cheat yourself if you do not enjoy your good phase after phasing bad phase. Many readers here like cricket, not all I am talking about. In cricket, you generally see a cricketer who always try hard but get fails in consecutive innings and then he plays a master piece that changes his status & also career. Same things happen in life one point of time we can play such a master piece that can shape our career and give you a high status. One thing more here, in cricket when a batsman get success, who fails, yup that point bowler, and when bowler get succeeded who fails batsman. Means failure is surely comes in one’s life but that is temporary. They get alternative success, it also happens in reality, if I get fail, surely someone get success. But main thing is that we have to always try hard. I am a good cricketer & I know what can happen in field and what can happen in life. Don’t play with your life, play with your condition, because different condition may come but not life. So, not get worry about your fail year. Keep motivated. You are still alive to change your condition & life, get what you want. The problem is in having a failure, not in a fail year.