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    32 Hard-Working Products That'll Take Care Of The Annoying Jobs You Don't Want To Do

    A back hair shaver, a clip-on colander, and more things that'll complete all the annoying tasks you don't want to deal with.

    1. A pet hair remover that'll immediately roll away lots of fur on your bedding and couch cushions. If your pet loves to leave a fluffy mess around your home, this tool will be game changing for a deep clean (and score you extra-credit points for tidying).

    2. A resin book page holder so you don't get a finger cramp if you're reading for long periods of time. This cute tool slides around your thumb and makes flipping through a book a little bit easier.

    hand holds book with resin glittery white and purple thumb book page holder

    3. An earwax removal kit because it's been a longggg time since you've cleaned out your ears. A micro-foam formula gently softens earwax and a bulb syringe helps flush it out, so you don't have to go digging for gold with a cotton swab to get the job done.

    Reviewer photo of their finger covered in chunks of ear wax

    4. A bagless, touchless stationary vacuum so you can bid farewell to flimsy dustpans that make messes worse. Just sweep debris towards this high-tech gadget and it'll instantly suck it up for you.

    5. A facial applicator brush to make applying skincare treatments a breeze and less time-consuming. With soft bristles and a sturdy handle, you'll be *painting* masks and serums on your face like a pro without getting your fingers covered in product.

    Reviewer holding spatula up to face

    6. A Wet & Forget shower cleaner that (gasp) you can literally leave and clean later. Instead of bending over a tub and scrubbing for eternity, all you have to do is apply to the grimy area, go do something more enjoyable, and rinse it away the next day.

    top left to bottom right: stain on shower floor, stain slowly fading, and stain gone

    7. Reusable toe covers with over 2,000 positive reviews for a reason: These babies help protect blisters, corns, and ingrown toenails while they heal. You won't have to expose your toes or deal with flimsy bandages during the process.

    8. A bracelet tool to help you hook stubborn jewelry clasps at the speed of light. Instead of numbing your fingers every time you put on a bracelet, you can use this small gadget for assistance without discomfort.

    hand uses bracelet tool to loop together silver charm bracelet on wrist

    9. A back shaver for the baby hairs that are nearly impossible to get rid of on your back. You'll feel like you're mowing the lawn, except said lawn is all the peach fuzzies you'll finally say buh-bye to after this gadget removes them from your upper and lower back.

    10. Toilet-cleaning gel stamps because your bathroom throne should be free from gross residue and rings. Stick one of these babies inside your bowl and enjoy a clean toilet for up to 12 days. You're welcome.

    11. A tweezer keychain for anyone with long nails: This nifty accessory will make pulling out a credit card from an ATM machine or gas station pump a whole lot easier *and* it comes with an adorable butterfly keychain.

    person using a pair of tweezers on a keychain to pull a credit card in and out of a parking meter

    12. A blinds duster because it's been a minute since you've cleaned your window blinds, and you just noticed they're covered in gross debris. It comes with washable microfiber sleeves that'll effectively pick up dust *and* can clean the tops and bottoms of two blinds at the same time. 😲

    hand holds blue blinds duster to clean dusty blinds on window

    Note: This isn't recommended for large blinds or straight blinds, so for those you may want to try a bigger duster, such as this fluffy microfiber one

    Promising review: "I'll be honest, I ordered this because of the price. After reviewing several other options and having been disappointed with previous dusters I've had, I figured why spend more money on something that isn't going to work? So I ordered the least expensive option, but wow does this little tool rock! It's very easy to use and clean. It does a fantastic job of cleaning and dusting the blinds and gets *all* of the crud off of them. My blinds haven't been this clean since the day they were first installed. Very happy with purchase." —Amazon Shopper

    Get a duster brush and five microfiber sleeves from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in two colors).

    13. A Tile Mate that'll help you find your iPhone or another lost object at home, even if it fell under the bed, is buried in a stack of clothes, or is right in front of you. 🤦‍♀️ This little gadget will make it ring, so you can get to its location before giving up your search.

    14. A FlexiSnake Drain Millipede to unclog painfully slow drains and remove gross gunk. This baby latches onto trapped hair and debris and gets 'em out, stat. Buh-bye, loose strands, last night's toothpaste, and leftover soap.

    15. multitool jar opener because you need a handy kitchen gadget that gives you hero-like strength to open up tough jar lids and bottle caps. It has anti-slip rubber and four different-sized grooves for a good grip, so you're not using up all your arm strength when you need jam for toast.  

    Reviewer using red multigrip tool to encase a jar lid and pull it open
    model showing the gripper used to open jars of different sizes

    Promising review: "Having had arthritis in my hands since my teens, I have used many jar/bottle openers out of necessity. The Oxo ones work well, but wear out within a year because of the volume of usage. This fabulous opener has yet to find a container that it cannot easily open, even bottles of water with heavily sealed caps. I love it so much I ordered another one to have in two drawers on either end of my kitchen. This gripper does not exacerbate my carpal tunnel syndrome, either. I would give it more stars if I could." —Patrizia L. 

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99+ (available in six colors). 

    16. A portable car vacuum you can take on the go for impromptu messes. If your small human spills crackers or your doggo leaves muddy tracks while you're traveling, just plug it into your vehicle's12-V AUX outlet to clean up the floor.

    17. A clip-on colander that'll be incredibly helpful if you're draining pasta with one hand. It easily fits on round pots and pans and gently lets water out in one go. You won't have to worry about rotini or ravioli pieces falling in the sink anymore.

    18. A two-pack of stainless-steel tongue cleaners to top off your daily oral hygiene routine: If your tongue looks grimy and is turning a questionable color, this small tool will scrape away all the gross gunk lodged in it.

    a before and after set displaying a reviewer's tongue after using the tongue  cleaner

    19. A pair of Wad-Free attachments for your bedsheets that are always jumbling themselves up in a ball in the dryer. Slide one on each sheet, place the sheets in the dryer, and they'll be tangle free when you take them out.

    the wad free pads attached to a bed sheet

    20. A reusable Swiffer duster head that'll lift up dust, pet fur, and more debris from hard-to-reach areas. Give your picture frames, blinds, and shelves a deep clean without using disposable paper towels or wipes.

    colorful reusable duster heads arranged in a circle on a wooden surface

    21. Dermaplaning tools so you can get rid of pesky peach fuzz on your face. They have micro-guarded blades that effectively remove hair and help protect your skin from cuts. You can also use them to help shape your eyebrows and gently exfoliate areas around your cheeks and chin.

    22. Cleaning putty that looks like orange slime and makes lifting up debris from nooks and crannies so much fun. Cookie crumbs, dog hairs, and dust balls lodged in your car vents or computer keyboards will be gone for good. 👏

    23. A T-shirt roll holder so you can creatively display your fave tees *and* neatly roll them up, instead of cramming them all into a drawer. Next time you're getting dressed and need a T-shirt, you'll easily be able to find it.

    a reviewer photo of a closed closet with several shirts hanging from a hook at the top of the door. The shirts are attached by rolling them up and putting them through stretchy loops.

    24. A small device that'll keep track of your doggo's meals for morning and nighttime and help you (and whoever else you live with) remember to feed your pup and refill their water bowl.

    reviewer holding feeding device tracker

    25. A pack of window fly traps because pesky insects won't leave your home. Each clear adhesive sticks to a window and easily captures bugs (flies, gnats, and more), so you don't have to chase 'em down with a swatter or paper towel.

    26. A cleaning paste that's popular on TikTok and will save you so much time — it'll tackle stubborn stains on your stove, bathroom sink, kitchen tiles, and more messy surfaces at home in basically no time. No more scrubbing and wiping for hours.

    27. A zipper puller for tops and dresses that are difficult to zip up. You may not have double-jointed elbows, but at least this small lanyard can help you when you're getting dressed in a hurry.

    28. A bag handle holder to make sure your precious groceries don't end up all over the sidewalk in transit. Carry multiple bags at a time without cramping up your shoulder, arms, and fingers.

    29. A cooktop-cleaning kit because the burned food on your stove is an eyesore and a pain to remove, but this makes it easy! It comes with a bottle of cleaner, a cleaning pad, and a scraper that'll gently eliminate stains without causing damage.  

    Before and after of reviewer's crusted stovetop looking shiny and clean thanks to the cleaner
    Another burner on the same reviewer's stove that had burned on food bits that were totally removed with the cleaner

    Use this trio on a variety of smooth cooktop ranges, including ceramic, glass, halogen, and more!

    Promising review: "I had tried four different cleaners before discovering this one and I wish I would have found it sooner! All of that caked-on liquid that runs out of the pans and burns into the stove top while you’re cooking?? This removes all of it. It doesn’t scratch your glass top stove top and it leaves it looking brand new. I won’t ever buy another cleaner — this is it for me!" —Christine

    Get it from Amazon for $11.49.

    30. A Revlon hot-air brush that'll dry *and* style your 'do at the same time. Its three heat settings will get to work on wet hair, while its rounded edges and an oval brush design increase volume and curl your ends. Congrats, you've just earned an A in easy styling class.

    Reviewer who has straightened hair of their tight curly hair with the hot air brush
    reviewer holds same hot-air brush after drying wavy brown hair

    It also has a ceramic-coated barrel that acts as a shield against heat damage, making it easy to style your hair without breakage.

    Promising review: "Amazing product. I wish I found this 20 years ago!! I have naturally curly hair and enjoy a nice blowout without having that pin-straight 'burnt' flat iron look. This product helped me achieve the blowout look in about five minutes (yes, five!). When it comes to hair, I’m a super novice and this is by far the easiest, most effective (inexpensive) blowout. I would give this more than 5 stars if I could. Where has it been all my life?!?!" —Sara Kovach

    Get it from Amazon for $34.88+ (available in seven colors).

    31. An exfoliating and hydrating lip scrub for your chapped lips that need a little relief. Sugar and essential oils gently exfoliate dead skin, so you don't have to deal with dryness and flaking every time you put on gloss or lipstick.

    32. And a food chopper to ~cut~ your meal prep process and reduce the mess on your countertop. You can mash ground meat, fruit, and veggies with ease in glass bowls and skillets.

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.

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