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    15 Things That Happen While Surviving a Deployment

    Dear Deployment, if that IS your real name, I hate you. Sincerely, Every significant other to a Servicemen.

    1. You'll have that first day back to work/school after saying your goodbye's. You'll try to keep your cool amongst colleagues/friends... but you. just. canNOT.

    2. Your family finds exactly the right moment to ask how things have been going with you two. Upon which you answer with:

    3. Some lady in the supermarket will spark a mindless conversation and compare her husbands 2-week business trip to the deployment.

    4. You'll begin to wonder if you'll ever regain your sanity again.

    5. Your dependency on wine will double. No- TRIPLE.

    6. Seeing your friends post pictures with their other half makes you sad, yet, also hate everyone who's significant other is on the same side of the world as them.

    7. You'll grow extremely close to their immediate family, for they have been through it already. They hold the power. They know the art of mastering this thing.

    8. You'll receive your first Skype call (you know, that thing you downloaded because you knew EVENTUALLY you would have to use it? yeah, that.) and it will be magical and nerve-wracking and everything you dreamed of.

    9. You'll gain some serious motivation to get back into shape.

    10. But then sets in the realization that you've made it this far because carbs.

    11. You'll start to get the hang of this whole Deployment thing and finally get back into the swing of things:

    12. Your FRG leader will send news of the most glorious words to ever come out of the human mouth (besides "Free pizza & wine", of course).

    13. You'll begin to clean up the place to give the illusion that you kept it as clean as you ate and as organized as your mind

    14. You'll drive to the homecoming destination with ALL OF THE FEELS:

    15. Congratulations!! You've survived a deployment and managed to keep enough sanity to get through this post. Reward yourself with some well-deserved time with your soldier and a big bottle of wine (if there's any left)