16 Things Only Average-Looking People Will Understand

    Living that fabulously average life <3

    1. You've never been the ugly duckling, but you're not the mysterious peacock either. You've always been just the regular duck.

    2. "Is he handsome?" "Um, y'know, he's kinda... he's cute."

    3. You may not be a runway model.

    4. But, hey, at least you haven't broken any mirrors on account of your ugliness, either.

    5. Actually, genetics sort of blessed you. You could have been so attractive that everyone would be jealous of you or so unattractive that everyone would mock you, but instead you live in that wonderful middle ground.

    6. The photo gallery on your cell phone is always full because you have to take about 57 selfies just to get that one that turns out well.

    7. But you better not look at that one selfie for too long, otherwise you'll find some tiny flaw and have to start all over again.

    8. Whenever someone compliments you, you feel like an absolute rockstar.

    9. But then you go on Tinder and you realize that the world is full of so-so people like you.

    10. On the plus side, not caring too much about your looks gives you the opportunity to cultivate other aspects of yourself, like your stellar personality.

    11. And when someone wants to be with you, you know it's not just for your looks.

    12. The good thing is that you know, if you want to be hot, you can always get all dolled up.

    13. There's nothing like a well-trimmed beard or bright red lipstick to make you insta-smoking ;)

    14. You've come to know all your best angles for taking photos.

    15. And it's kind of comforting that, for you, beauty is a choice, not an obligation.

    16. But TBH, the greatest part of all this is your killer versatility.

    This post was translated from Portuguese.