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    Wonderful And Weird Disco-Era Recipes

    The 1971 Betty Crocker Recipe Card Library contains over 600 dishes from America's groovy and gross culinary past.

    Gelatinized vegetables and mayo-slathered salads may seem a little "un-Kosh" in today's gluten/dairy/tree nut/sugar -free culinary climate, but remember, this was the age of technocratic make-believe, the Cold War, the Bicentennial-era, sculpted coifs a'la Saturday Night Fever, and Ms. Betty Crocker was the woman who could "cordially" invite you over for a taste of it.

    Betty's cards can model how we can inject play back into our plates. Here are some more recipes from the card box with some of my updated serving suggestions for the modern cook:

    Inspired? Appalled? Kind of nostalgic for an era of far-out food you might have missed? Whether or not these enigmatic concoctions would ever make it to your table, don't tell me you'd refuse a platter of hot Cheese Dreams if you're ever plagued with a case of the drunchies.

    If we can take anything from this recipe collection to our kitchens today, it's the whimsy of food. We don't have to be expert chefs to make an exciting meal. Just have fun! Life's way too short not to. Make a sandwich, attach some pimento-stuffed olive slices for eyes, and call it a party!