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    You Know When You Are A Crazy Cat Person When...

    We all adore our little furred friends but sometimes the love goes a little bit too far and we end up doing things which might look a little bit crazy from outside.

    1. Mini Bedroom for cat?

    2. Cat Bridge?

    3. Building a secret cat lab

    4. Cat slide in your home?

    5. Cat playground bigger than some kids playground?

    6. Outdoor catwalk?

    7. Well this is awkward

    8. You prefer cats more than humans

    9. Your kitchen has more cats than food...

    10. You have a bookshelf full of cats

    11. You ink the names of your cats

    12. You feeding your cats by throwing the food in the room

    13. Your furniture matches your cat craziness

    14. The back of your car looks like...

    15. Your family photo this year looks like

    16. You have more cats than floor