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    19 Cartoon Characters Every Black Kid Grew Up Admiring

    Cyclops? I'm out. Give me Storm any day.

    1. Storm, the very best part about X-Men.

    2. Virgil Hawkins was very much someone like us in Static Shock.

    3. J may have been impulsive, but he was exactly what Men in Black needed.

    4. Cyborg was half man, half machine—and 100% fun in Teen Titans.

    5. Spyke was the toughest dude on X-Men: Evolution.

    6. Susie Carmichael was the only one capable of standing up to Angelica on Rugrats.

    7. Skeeter was always the smoothest character on Doug.

    8. Panthro was easy the most skillful of the Thundercats.

    9. Diana from Dungeons and Dragons (remember Dungeons and Dragons?!) gave better advice than the Dungeon Master.

    10. Nobody could handle Jerry's gadgets better than Alex on Totally Spies.

    11. Brock had all the best pokémon on Pokémon.

    12. Goofy and Max starred in the best kids movie of the '90s: A Goofy Movie.

    13. Dhalsim was one of the best reasons to wake up on Saturday mornings to watch Street Fighter.

    14. No other character embodied leadership better than Garnet from Steven Universe.

    15. Nothing could rattle John Stewart on the Justice League cartoon.

    16. Gerald was the coolest kid on Hey Arnold, and there were a lot of cool kids on Hey Arnold.

    17. Tiana from The Princess and the Frog was the most under appreciated Disney princess.

    18. Piccolo was not the mentor that Gohan wanted, but he was the mentor Gohan needed on Dragonball Z.

    19. Nightcrawler from X-Men never had to ask for anything in his life.

    This post was translated from Portuguese.