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12 Brazilian Songs From 2013 That You Need To Hear

Here are the hits that made it big this year. Go ahead, have a listen!

1. Charlie Brown Jr., "Meu Novo Mundo"

2. Ivete Sangalo and Alejandro Sanz, "No Me Compares"

3. Roberto Carlos, "Esse Cara Sou Eu"

4. Naldo, "Amor de Chocolate"

5. Paula Fernandes, "Um Ser Amor"

6. Luan Santana, "Te Esperando"

7. Jota Quest, "Mandou Bem"

8. Gabriel Valim, "Piradinha"

9. Ivete Sangalo, "Tempo De Alegria"

10. Fernando e Sorocaba, "Veneno"

11. Gusttavo Lima, "Fui Fiel"

12. Anitta, "Show das Poderosas"