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12 Reasons My Mom Is The Best Travel Buddy

Traveling is great, but it’s even better when I get to do it with the awesome individual that I call my mom.

1. She has accepted my travel fashion as it has progressed through the years.

2. She’s not afraid to be silly.

3. She is always up for getting desserts.

4. She is always up for trying something new.

5. She always the one to make sure we get the cool family photos.

6. She never leaves anyone behind.

7. She is always prepared for all travel situations.

8. She makes sure we see all the popular sites in the city.

9. She can get in the zone when we go to museums.

10. She taught me not be afraid to take that touristy photo.

11. We agree on the odd places we want to visit.

12. And finally she makes me more adventurous.