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    New Year's Resolutions You Need To Make For 2015

    The only thing to fall apart quicker than an unrealistic New Years Resolution is Kim Kardashian's marriage to Kris Humphries. This year, let's all stop spending New Year's vowing to lose 20 lbs and cut out all junk food and let's start spending New Year's making promises to ourselves that we’ll actually keep.

    1. Accept Yourself

    We're the generation of Victoria's Secret models and somewhere between photoshop and instagram filters we've lost sight of reality. The reality is, there will always be someone out there that is prettier than you, skinnier than you, smarter than you, funnier than you and that's not going to change. What can change is our constant need to alter ourselves to be like somebody else. The key to happiness isn't a different hair color, 5 pounds or longer eyelashes, the key to happiness is being alright with being you. Let's let 2015 be the year we stop obsessing and start accepting.

    2. Put Down Your Cell Phone

    3. Stop Comparing

    We've been fed by the media that by 22 we should have a career we love, an apartment with a view and a boyfriend who we'll be married to in 2-3 years. The problem with that? It's only happening for the 1%, for the Taylor Swifts, Emma Watsons and Zac Efrons of the world which leaves the majority of us feeling inadequate FOR NO REASON. Not everyone can be those people, in fact very few people will be those people The jobs, boyfriend or apartments the people around you have does not diminish your own worth. Everyone's path is different and the only success that matters to you, is your own.

    4. Think Before You Tweet

    5. Make Life Happen

    Most commencement speeches include some version of, "you can be anything you want to be, achieve anything you want to achieve," but none of them tell you where to start or how to get to where you want to go, but now is the time to try. Pound the pavement, network with everyone you meet, follow up and follow up again, reach out to people who you admire, make your presence known and don't be afraid of what anyone thinks. Going after what you want can be tough; there's older people with more experience, more resources, more money, more connections but the one thing we have that they don't, is our youth and it makes all the difference. Without families to support and mortgages to pay, we can chase our dreams, take big risks and turn our passions into payoffs knowing that if we crash and burn, we have our whole lives to rebuild. Figure out what you want out of life and make your opportunities happen, the time is now.