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    19 Awesome Products From Amazon To Put On Your Wish List

    A waterproof speaker, an oil diffuser, a collectible Quidditch set, and 16 other things you’ll want to add to your wish list ASAP.

    Psst! Amazon has a section featuring products that people put on their wish lists and registries most often.

    Here are some of the coolest and most useful products from that section this week:

    1. A collectible Quidditch set for ~Sirius~ sports fans.

    2. This chocolate-maple-pretzel peanut butter that's packed with protein.

    3. A memory foam dog bed for your luxurious woofer.

    4. A stylish steering wheel cover to protect your hands from the heat/cold.

    5. A personal water filter that you can use to drink water everywhere like a wild animal.

    6. A pack of 5 unisex onesies to fit your baby's need for basics.

    7. An adorable cape with bunny ears sewn into the hood.

    8. A movie for anyone who wants to watch King Kong fight like the third monkey trying to get on Noah's Ark.

    9. A set of collagen eye masks to ~eyeradicate~ your dark circles.

    10. An argan oil shampoo and conditioner for strengthening your locks and your budget.

    11. These odor free bully sticks that won't stink as your dog chews them up.

    12. An essential oil diffuser with changing LED lights for anyone who needs to de-stress with minimal effort.

    13. A best-selling novel for anyone who is ~ready~ to dive into some sci-fi, before it hits the big screen.

    14. This super soft area rug with serious fluff.

    15. A portable, water-resistant bluetooth speaker that's perfect for your next outdoor adventure.

    16. Six pens of awesomeness for anyone who loves precision.

    17. A set of eight vegan bath bombs to help you step up your self-care.

    18. A long-sleeved crop top available in 22 (!!) colors that will make you feel unstoppable.

    19. And a double camping hammock perfect for ~hanging~ out.

    To see everything else people are wishing for on Amazon, click here.

    To see what people were wishing for last week, click here.

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.