21 Photos Of Dogs And Delivery Drivers That Are Pawsitively Heartwarming

    Is UPS hiring?

    1. This adorable pup who made a friend for life:

    2. This UPS driver who befriended an entire family of dogs:

    3. This dog who just wanted some love before the driver got back to their route:

    4. This spotted boy who was proud to take his first photo with his new best friend:

    5. This doggo who decided to deliver something to their bestest friend for a change:

    6. This golden beauty who got her own personalized mail from the letter carrier:

    7. This little floof who braved the winter cold to say hello to their favorite driver:

    8. This dog who could barely contain his excitement when his delivery friend brought treats:

    9. This big ball of fur who just wanted to help drive the truck:

    10. This massive fluffer who just had to say hello to their favorite FedEx driver:

    11. These dogs who couldn't wait to receive their loyal mailman's love and affection:

    @GuacamoleFanatic / Via reddit.com

    12. This puppy who loved getting scratches from his new friend:

    13. This good boy who patiently waited for a doggy treat from this driver:

    14. This dog who wanted to finish the delivery route with his hooman friend:

    15. This pup and UPS driver who jumped with joy at the site of one another:

    Here is Bennett the lab at Catalyst in Seattle. Our UPS driver, Michael Duncan, is his favorite human in the whole wide world. Maddie https://t.co/M8JCKYVOd1

    16. This dog who was beggin' this letter carrier for a treat:

    17. These siblings who were eager to greet their letter carrier:

    18. This happy pup who loved belly rubs from their dearest UPS driver:

    19. This floof who just couldn't wait to hop up in their favorite delivery driver's truck:

    20. This excited girl who couldn't wait to get her package:

    21. Finally, this pooch who loved his UPS driver so much that he wore a matching outfit so they'd be twins: