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    Girls Are Confessing Their Feelings To Their Internet Crushes With #MoveToBoys2016

    Young women are overlooking 'traditional' practice and approaching their Twitter crushes in the DM's. How did this trend begin?

    It all started back in November with this tweet:

    @naomi_amba watch our movement #MoveToBoys2016 will be strong 😂😂😂💪🏾💪🏾

    It seems the hashtag started to gain traction from Black Twitter, after it was discussed during the popular On Topic Talk radio show.

    Has anyone actually kicked off the #movetoboys2016 trend? Lol #ontopictalkshow haven't seen want thing yet😂

    Though the hashtag had been used previously, it seems this tweet was the catalyst for it to become a trending topic:

    Guys sorry but in case you didnt know #MoveToBoys2016 isnt all fun and games. We will treat you boys how you've been treating us too.

    New year's resolution?

    It wasn't long before people were sharing their experience of the hashtag online, resulting in a series of viral screenshots.

    This is the first rejection I received but it has motivated me to keep trying #MoveToBoys2016

    Most of the jokes came with the curve game from the guys who had been approached...

    Loool funniest one i replied too😭😂 #MoveToBoys2016

    This #MoveToBoys2016 is getting out of hand😭😂😂

    The responses after sliding into the DM's and being rejected...

    #MoveToBoys2016 did it once and the guy told me to 'Lowe it' ..I will never let the devil use me like that again

    You girls need to stop moving shy. Moving to boys really isnt hard bmt. If he rejects you you just have to vomit and move on tbh

    And of course the witty pickup lines.

    I have to say some of you girls got bars #MoveToBoys2016

    Not everyone took an 'L' though...

    Girls it works fam😩😂 #MoveToBoys2016

    And unfortunately there was some unwarranted shady screen-shotting behaviour...

    So what I'm observing is boys screaming #MoveToBoys2016 and then exposing the girls who move to them

    So not cool.

    But that was overshadowed by the funny memes.

    This is how #MoveToBoys2016 is looking like 😂

    When a girl that aired you is now tryna dm you for #MoveToBoys2016

    We'll just have to wait and see if any real love stories come out of it...

    Mark my words, 9 months from now a couple will tweet "Started with #MoveToBoys2016, now we here" and have a photo of them getting married!