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If Dog Breeds Were Backseat Drivers

Your dog is your closest companion...and your most, er, opinionated passenger. If our favorite travel buddies could talk, what would they say?

1. Pits would happily offer to drive.

2. Beagles would be your GPS IRL.

3. Bloodhounds would want to play 20 Questions, because they like to figure things out.

4. Corgis would ask for a booster seat so they could see out the window.

5. Yorkipoos would treat you like a chauffeur.

6. French bulldogs would smile at everyone in passing cars and try to get truck drivers to honk their horns.

7. Bernese Mountain dogs would make sure everyone was OK.

8. While shelties and collies would always be on the lookout for ways to help.

9. Greyhounds would say you're driving too slowly.

10. Meanwhile, German Shepherds would be very vigilant with you about following the speed limit.

11. Chihuahuas would have issues with the AC.

12. Pugs would fart silently, then deny, deny, deny.

13. Coonhounds would need frequent bathroom breaks.

14. Jack Russell terriers would be a bit impatient...before you've even left.

15. And yellow Labs would totally make sure there’s a stop for you both to stretch your legs.

Make sure your furry friend is well taken care of on the road with these traveling tips, sponsored by Ford:

Wanna go for a ride? Check out the Ford Fusion.