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    19 Questions Aussie Public School Kids Have For Private Schoolers

    How do you tie a tie? No, srsly, help.

    1. Did you get hot wearing a blazer all summer?

    2. Were there nuns at your school?

    3. OMG did they sing and dance?

    4. Was it balls always having to wear a tie?

    5. Did teachers really measure your skirts against a ruler to see if they were appropriate?

    6. Did you call your Principal The Headmaster?

    7. Did you do polo as a school sport?

    8. What was it like having functioning school equipment?

    9. I bet you had a nice big theatre, didn't you?

    10. What did you do at lunchtime when there was no opposite sex to "perve" on?

    11. Did your school have a swimming pool?

    12. Did you wish you didn't have to study Religion?

    13. How did you date????

    14. Were you aware how dumb those hats made you look?

    15. Was it nice having school camps at Thredbo?

    16. Did all the dudes HAVE to join the army or something?

    17. Did you have your Year 12 Formal at the Sydney Opera House?

    18. When your butler came to pick you up in the Mercedes, did you sit in the front or the back?

    19. Jk, you probably got stereotyped for going to a private school hey?